Transponder Measat 3. Satelit pengamat Bumi adalah satelit yang dirancang khusus untuk mengamati Bumi dari orbit mirip dengan satelit matamata tetapi ditujukan untuk penggunaan nonmiliter seperti pengawasan lingkungan meteorologi pembuatan peta dll Banyak jenis observasi dapat dibuat dari satelit termasuk pengintai militer pemetaan medan fotografi astronomi inspeksi.
Measat 3a Gunter S Space Page from Gunter's Space Page
TDS u/s 195 payments made to Intelsat Corporation USA/IGSM UK/MEASAT Malaysia for transponder charges Whether payment did not constitute royalty u/s 9(l)(vi) of the Act or under the relevant DTAA? whether CIT (A) has erred in not taking into account that the payments made by the assessee to Intelsat for transponder charges are specifically covered by Explanation 6.
Satelit Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
FOX1B (RADFXSAT AO91) is an American amateur radio satellite It is a 1U Cubesat was built by the AMSATNA and carries a singlechannel transponder for FM radio The satellite has one rod antenna each for the 70 centimetres (28 in) and 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) bands Fox1B is the second amateur radio satellite of the Fox series of AMSAT North.
منتديات ستار تايمز
Colour legend (based on your location) Beam Within footprint center Within footprint Outside of footprint Below horizon Beam data unavailable Frequency Ku band C band S/Ka band.
GEOStar3 SES SA Cape Canaveral 4230 30Jan2018 SES16/GovSat is a multimission satellite using dedicated military frequencies (Xband and military Kaband) offering in total 68 transponderequivalent units of 36 MHz It will combine a global Xband beam for widearea communications a European Anchor beam to interconnect agency.