Ragnarok Guild Emblem Generator. 1 Open Photoshop CS4 2 Hit Ctrl + N or go to File > New to create a new canvas 3 Set the width and height of the canvas to 24 px Canvas name is optional Press OK 4 If you want your emblem to have transparencies fill your “Background” layer with the color #ff00ff This color appears transparent in RO.

Ragnarok Online Guild Emblem Livejournal ragnarok guild emblem generator
Ragnarok Online Guild Emblem Livejournal from roguildemblem.livejournal.com

Guild Ally Now we do not have any allies yet War of Emperium Pictures War of Emperium Videos Don’t hate the player Hate the game IGN Iccy Back to top #2 Sniper Prince Sniper Prince Based God Nigguh Lurker 1095 posts 0 Neutral Posted 30 October 2010 0415 PM FIRST Im feelin Sexy and Free!~ Back to top #3 Askii Askii Advanced Member Lurker.

62 Guild Emblem ideas game icon, game art, game design

Guild Emblem” Shop To purchase a Guild Emblem all you have to do is 1) PM me here or Ingame IGN • Zyra • (“•” is alt+numpad7 or alt+0149) ~ and place your order You must tell me what ThemeColorStyle Etc you would like for your Guild Emblem 2) Meet me ingame and i will ask for a down payment of 1B(Zeny Bags).

Guild Emblem Generator Dulfy Database

Dulfy and GW2FR are fan sites that only engage their authors but not the creators and editors of Guild Wars 2 The Dulfy Database works thanks to the official Guild Wars 2.

Guild Emblem Editor Nailek

Choose color “FF00FF” para maging transparent backgroundImage Size 24×24 ppiFile extension bmp.

Ragnarok Online Guild Emblem Livejournal

Making Guild Emblems RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

Making Simple Guild Emblems RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

Guild Emblem Pack (2862) Other rAthena

Creating guild emblem using paint Super easy! YouTube

Bozanian Beast Fighter Guild Recruitment RebirthRO Forums

How To Make Ragnarok A Guild Emblem


ragnarok emblem generator schenckfuels.com

Guild Emblem Maker Art and Writing DreamerRO’s Community

Guild Emblem Pack (2862) Other Graphics Downloads rAthena

A simple fantasy emblem editor based on Guild Wars 2 assets.