Extent Of Reliance On Internal Audit. Relying upon internal auditor To decide the extent of checking that the external auditor needs to do he first needs to decide the extent of reliance to be placed on the work of the internal auditor If he feels that the internal auditor has performed his work properly he may put more reliance on his work.

A Critical Analysis Of The Independence Of The Internal Audit Function Evidence From Australia Emerald Insight extent of reliance on internal audit
A Critical Analysis Of The Independence Of The Internal Audit Function Evidence From Australia Emerald Insight from Emerald Insight

How much reliance can be placed up to 100% reliance on Internal Audit’s work for nonpublic clients and 5070% is what we normally see for public clients The extent of the reliance external auditors can place on the work performed by others is determined by Competency of the Internal Audit function Objectivity of the Internal Audit function.

Difference Between Internal Audit and External Audit (or

ISA 610 provide for direct assistance by internal auditor under the direction supervision and review of the external auditor The standards provide three creteria objectivity competence and professional work and due care as bases for determining the extent of auditorsreliance on internal audit function in Nigeria.


PDF fileconsulting impacts the extent of external auditor reliance on the work of internal audit for control evaluation but not for substantive testing of balances However whether the function is outsourced or provided inhouse does not have a significant impact on reliance decisions An exception is that external auditors are more likely to use in.

4030 Reliance on Internal Audit oagbvg.gc.ca

PDF fileThis research aims to find out the internal auditor relationship with the external auditor in the preparation of financial statements through the followings Identify the extent of the external auditor’s reliance on the internal auditor’s report in preparing the report about the.

A Critical Analysis Of The Independence Of The Internal Audit Function Evidence From Australia Emerald Insight

the External Auditor’s The Extent of Reliance on the

ISA 610 (Revised 2013), Using the Work of Internal

Reliance on Internal Audits MASOMO MSINGI PUBLISHERS

the Cosourcing and External Auditors’ Reliance on

Reliance on the experiences of internal auditors’ work:

Reliance on IA’s work Audit Programs


on internal control What will the extent of reliance


Pages Reliance by Internal Audit on Other Assurance

Audit teams shall to the extent they consider practicable rely on internal audit in conducting their audit [Nov2015] Audit teams shall make inquiries to obtain an understanding of the activities of the internal audit function.